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  Movies (1955-1994)
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Picture Galleries
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Cyd on screen
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Two Weeks in Another Town

Distributor : Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
(1962 - 107 minutes)
Producers : John Houseman, Ethel Winant
Director : Vincente Minnelli
Writer : Charles Schnee, based on a novel by Irwin Shaw
Art directors : George W. Davis, Urie McCleary
Composer : David Raksin
Cast :
Kirk Douglas Jack Andrus
Edward G. Robinson Maurice Kruger
Cyd Charisse Carlotta
George Hamilton Davie Drew
Daliah Lavi Veronica
Claire Trevor Clara Kruger

Plot :

Jack Andrus, a Hollywood actor, gets out of the sanitarium where he has spent three years recovering from a bad divorce and a near fatal car wreck. He is invited to Rome by his long-time friend, director Maurice Kruger, to help him on a new movie. Jack tries to pass on his knowledge of acting to Davie Drew, a young actor, and falls in love with Veronica, a member of the cast. Jack's ex-wife Carlotta, shows up on the movie set, and tries to see if she still has the ability to send Jack into an emotional tailspin. After a party thrown at the Kruger residence, Maurice suffers a heart attack. On his hospital bed, he asks Jack to finish the movie for him. Jack manages to bring the movie under budget, and makes a quality picture out of it.

 Awards and nominations

  1962, 20th Annual Golden Globe Awards :
  Nominated, Best New Female Star of the Year : Daliah Lavi

 Pictures from the movie

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