
  Short biography
  Quick facts

  Movies (1943-1954)
  Movies (1955-1994)
  Cyd's co-stars

Picture Galleries
  Full length
  Bathing beauty
  Family album
  In company

Cyd on screen
  In theaters
  Cyd on DVD
  Cyd on TV

  Quiz #1
  Quiz #2
  The MGM menu


External links

Submit Cyd Charisse theatre schedules

Please use the form below to send schedules of upcoming theatre schedules in your area of Cyd Charisse movies. Please send as much detailed information as possible. They will be published on the site.

Your name:
Your e-mail address:
Name of the movie shown:
Name of the theatre:
Dates and times (please indicate which time zone):
City and country:
Web address where the schedule is advertised:

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